The world of fashion is one that I never wish to visit. I wish to live there instead. An outsider’s view is tainted by flashbulbs and glitter. On the inside you can see the industry without its makeup on…

Dec 24, 2010

Merry Christmas Darlings!

Hey girlies,

It's Christmas Eve! I love the Christmas season for so many reasons. I mean really, mandatory gift giving, guilt free shopping, super sales every day, fabulous gifts, rich food, sparkly clothes, and great/cheesy movies and music. I have been watching ABC Family and Lifetime Movie Network for the last week (between shopping trips and wrapping presents, of course). The holiday season is the best time for clothing too. I mean, how often can you look adorably festive in a sequined tank, wool blazer, dark wash jeans, and five inch heels? What other time of year is a sequined mini dress and wool tights acceptable? This is a beautiful season, and not just because of the snow!

Hugs, Kisses, and Happy Holidays!
