The world of fashion is one that I never wish to visit. I wish to live there instead. An outsider’s view is tainted by flashbulbs and glitter. On the inside you can see the industry without its makeup on…

Jul 22, 2010

Sister Suffragette, put some clothes on

I am not, by any means, a prude. I am not a slut either. I like to think that I've found a happy middle. My personal style includes knee length or just above the knee skirts and dresses, sweaters, jackets, embellished tanks, and the occasional pair of jeans. I do not wear mini skirts without opaque tights, I don't wear shear white tops with black bras, and I don't think that short-shorts and a bustier is appropriate to wear in public. So why is it that so many celebrities and teenagers can't wear enough clothing to cover there butts and breasts? Women have fought for freedom and equality for longer than people would care to remember. Women wanted to be seen as more than property, they wanted real jobs and they wanted to have freedom. Our ancestors worked so hard so that women could go to school past they age of ten, or even at all, and now women are willingly objectifying themselves. Why do performers like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Momsen, Lady Gaga, and Beyonce feel like they  need to dance around half naked humping a microphone stand. It's gross! There are young girls watching these women and aspiring to be like them, but is that what we want the girls of this world to dress and act like. I hate that in this world women feel that they have to walk around one step up from naked to feel sexy and beautiful. There is a fine line between "if you've got it flaunt it" and walking around with garters, an over-sized shirt, and no pants. So why is it that we respect these young women? We don't respect prostitutes and strippers, but they wear the same outfits and have the same dance moves. Why is it that we respect one and not the other; I think they're both pretty disgusting. So boys, next time your girlfriend or daughter or sister wears something that makes her look beautiful without looking like a tramp, tell her that. And ladies, listen to your grandmother! He won't buy the cow if he's getting the milk for free. Remember that the next time you ask yourself why you're still not married and putting on that black mini dress you spent a fortune on and covers nothing.

Just a thought,


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