"Urban Outfitters Stopped Selling Its ‘Eat Less’ Shirt Online
By Amy OdellAs a huge apparel company in this country, selling shirts that say "Eat Less" is probably not a good idea. After backlash in the blogosphere over Urban's "Eat Less" shirt, it has been pulled from the company's online store. However, you can still find it in physical stores. And if you want a shirt that says "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" — which was Kate Moss's motto until people got upset she said so in WWD and had to take it back — some people aren't afraid to sell that, anyway. [HuffPo]"
I just pulled this article out of New York Magazine and I thought I would share it with anyone who isn't a faithful reader of The Cut (if you aren't, you should be). Anyway, this shirt is hilarious! What were they thinking! With all the controversy going on about models being too skinny and still be fired for being of a size zero (GASP! What were they thinking, eating two raisins for breakfast? That's insane, they need to watch those portions!). I look at this picture and think "wow, that girl likes hungry." I think the message should be "Eat Right" not "Eat Less". So many girls starve themselves think that that is the way to be skinny, but the important thing is being healthy. It's better to eat a balanced meal of healthy food than only eating a cookie or a bag of chips for lunch. Small portions of junk food is worse for you than a moderate portion of healthy food. All I have to say to the models at Urban is "eat something, anything, just eat it!" Obesity sucks, but so does putting your finger down your throat after every meal!
XOXO~ Megzi
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